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Study Skills

What does critical thinking and reading involve and what does academic writing look like? Learn about strategies and techniques to help you be successful in your studies. These resources provide tips on reading and note-taking, writing style and structure, and ways to participate effectively at university.


UniSA Online Academic Literacy Modules

Academic literacy modules have been developed to assist with learning how to research, analyse and communicate according to academic conventions. These academic skills will help you improve your assessment tasks and succeed in your degree. The modules consist of eight self-paced modules of approximately 90 minutes each focused on specific academic skills. You may choose to complete only those modules that focus on topics you feel least confident about or you might set yourself the goal of completing the suite of eight. There is no open or close time to complete these modules, and they will be available to you to revisit throughout your degree.

Need More Help?

Studying online does not mean studying alone. Explore our huge range of student services or speak with someone from our support team to help you with your online studies.


Writing Assignments at University

Plan Your Search

Evaluating Information

Scholarly Sources Explained


Report Writing

Reflective Writing


Managing Your References

Understanding Copyright

Australian Guide to Legal Citation