What it’s like to study Accounting 100% online
When mum of two and UniSA Online financial planning and accounting student, Rachel Simpson, missed out on career opportunities despite her work experience, she knew she needed to gain a university degree.
Why have you decided to study at this point in your life?
The biggest motivators behind my decision to study, and most things I do, are my children. I am a single parent of two young children, and I wish to give them the best upbringing and future I can.
Once my youngest completes his first year of school, I hope to re-enter the workforce in a full-time capacity. I know the knowledge and skills I’ve gained in my degree will give me an edge to find the right position for my goals, personality and situation. The flexibility of online learning means that I can prioritise my time with the children as they are in pre-school and transitioning into school. The benefit of studying with UniSA Online is that I’m able to study full-time (two courses per term) without interfering with my role as a full-time mother who runs a household and works on a casual basis.
Why are you making a change in your career?
I wanted a more promising career path and industry not only for my future, but also for the futures of my children.
Professionally, I have worked in the fast-food industry for more than a decade. I became a manager at Subway as a teenager and quickly worked my way up the ranks, to the point where I was an area manager responsible for eight stores. I had a wealth of work experience and a strong management background, but no formal education to back it up. I have been happy with my work environment and my job, but it seemed that there was nowhere left to progress without taking a step sidewards, which would require skills I did not have.
“One of the biggest concerns I had before starting my degree was whether I would be able to do it!”
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Was there a particular moment when you decided you wanted to pursue a university degree?
Two key events led to my enrolment with UniSA Online. A job offer had become available that I thought I would be perfect for. I later found out that I had missed out because I didn’t have a relevant university degree. It seemed that despite my experience and suitability for the job, I was missing opportunities because I lacked a university qualification.
Secondly, a direct report of mine, who is also a single mother herself, started a degree with UniSA Online. Hearing about how flexible it was to complete a degree online, I thought, “why couldn’t I do that as well?” In such a competitive workforce, it’s clear that employers are seeking much more than experience. I did not want to be left behind and knew it was time to make a change.
How will your degree help you to achieve your career goals? What are your plans after you graduate?
My degree will open doors that were previously closed for me. I have always been good with numbers and problem-solving, which is why I’d like to pursue a career in accounting and finance. Once I graduate, I hope to break into the industry while continuing to study towards a postgraduate qualification. These degrees may also create opportunities within my current organisation in other areas of the corporate team.

“I have made some great connections with my peers that I did not expect from studying in an online environment.”
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What kind of opportunities does studying 100% online give you?
I would not be able to study with an on-campus delivery model. It is simply not accessible to me. UniSA Online has created an opportunity for me to gain my qualifications in a way that hasn’t been available to me before.
Online study integrates into my routine very easily. The hours saved on commuting, as well as the absence of the pressure that comes with needing to be somewhere at a specific time, are priceless. There is flexibility around life, too. If something happens and you aren’t able to give your coursework much attention for a week or two, it isn’t the end of the universe; you have the flexibility to get ahead or catch up when life gets in the way.
The best part is I don’t miss out on life. I can fit everything into my schedule. I regularly watch a course video while preparing dinner, read the course material while waiting for dance practice to finish, or tend to assignments once the kids are tucked in for the night.
Did you have any concerns before starting your degree? Was there anything holding you back?
One of the biggest concerns I had before starting my degree was whether I would be able to do it! Was I ‘smart’ enough? How big is the workload and could I fit everything in? Could I even survive in an academic environment having never studied at uni before, especially in an online environment I’m unfamiliar with? These worries were quickly extinguished once I started my first course.
I enjoy studying and am gaining a wealth of knowledge. I’m achieving very respectable grades and will leave university with a great spread of business and finance qualifications. The support provided to me has been far and beyond what I expected going into it, and I have made some great connections with my peers that I did not expect from studying in an online environment.
If you could give your past self a few words of advice knowing what you do now, what would you say?
I would reassure myself that I am smarter than I give myself credit for.
I am thriving with UniSA Online. I’ve gained so much self-confidence and self-worth and am glad I decided to start my study journey. If I knew then what I knew now, I would have started sooner.
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