What it’s like to study Management 100% online
UniSA Online management student, Simone Panetta, is broadening his skill set as a manager and entrepreneur.
Why have you decided to study at this point in your life?
I’d been thinking about going back to uni for a long time, but I’ve always postponed the decision as I thought I couldn't handle a demanding job and study at the same time. However, I never stopped investigating opportunities for personal and professional growth. I’m a strong believer in making time for the things you care about. After assessing my weekly schedule, I realised that I did, in fact, have the time, and studying for a degree is not only possible, but extremely achievable.
What motivated you to advance your career?
I’ve had a long career spanning more than 15 years in hospitality, spent mainly in Italy and South East Asia. After moving to Australia, I continued my career holding managerial roles and was also head of operations for several restaurants and retail chains.
I’m currently head of operations for a national gelato company. More than ever, I feel like I need to fill in the gaps in my knowledge, particularly in the areas of finance, marketing and HR.
My UniSA Online degree has helped me boost my knowledge in a comprehensive range of areas and allowed me and the company to continue to innovate and remain competitive in the market.
“Studying for a degree is not only possible, but extremely achievable.”
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Was there a particular moment when you decided that you wanted to pursue a university degree?
I can’t identify a specific moment as it was more of a gradual decision. As I progressed through my career, I was put in front of unexpected and complex scenarios every day. It increasingly became apparent that I needed a university degree which could provide me with the skills and tools to continue to grow the business.
How will your degree help you to achieve your career goals?
I believe that the degree is broadening my capabilities as a manager and entrepreneur. My courses are engaging and are strongly related to real-world cases, which means I can transfer my learnings to daily business operations. It’s been extremely valuable.
I’m very lucky to be part of a fast-growing and innovative company, so there may be some international opportunities or new start-up ventures which I could pursue after my degree. I may also consider continuing my studies with a Masters degree in the future to refine my knowledge in a specific field.

“You can create your schedule and study where and when it suits you.”
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What kind of opportunities does studying 100% online give you?
The flexibility has been fantastic. In the beginning, it took some time to get used to my new schedule, but I’ve found myself enjoying my new routine. You can create your schedule and study where and when it suits you. I dedicate my nights and days off to university study and assignments, which means I don’t have to interfere with the demands of my full-time job and personal commitments.
Did you have any concerns before starting your degree? Was there anything holding you back?
The main deterrent was the fear of not being able to cope with work and study. However, it is doable. You can study at your pace and if you have a very busy period at work, you can study one course at a time without compromising your grades or progression.
If you could give your past self a few words of advice knowing what you do now, what would you say?
I would say two things. First, I should have done it earlier. Second, investing in your development always produces returns. Apart from the obvious financial leverage, studying brings knowledge, enhances professional and personal confidence, and broadens your network. In a few words, it’s never too late to study.
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