What it’s like to study Communication 100% online
UniSA Online Communication student, Jess Chaudhry, found herself bored and unmotivated in her admin job. She knew it was time to make a change.
Why have you decided to study at this point in your life?
In a couple of my previous roles, I noticed that the organisations I worked for had a very limited social media presence. In many of my roles, I’ve taken the initiative to drive social media myself.
This was why I gravitated towards the media and creative industries. Communicating with internal and external stakeholders of an organisation, producing media releases and social media content, as well as editing and publishing company newsletters and presentations were all things that I was passionate about and wanted to pursue. UniSA Online’s Bachelor of Communication was perfect for this. In my current job, communication is business-critical. This degree has given me many skills and techniques to ensure I communicate effectively with people at all levels in any organisation. It’s also helped me land my role at Woolworth’s head office in Sydney.
Was there a particular moment when you decided that you wanted to pursue a university degree?
I’ve known for quite a long time that I wanted to pursue a university degree. The problem was deciding what I wanted to major in. I wanted a degree that had many transferrable skills and wasn’t too industry specific. Back in 2017, I remember sitting at work (bored at the time) wondering how I could better utilise my time and current skillset, so I jumped online and started to look at degrees that might interest me.
When I came across UniSA Online’s Bachelor of Communication and read through the subjects, I immediately thought, “I could use this in so many different aspects of my life and it will open up so many doors for me.” I enrolled. I’m so glad I did. Now that I’m in my final semester, I can honestly say that what I’ve learnt through this degree will be incredibly helpful in any role I take in the future.
“I can do the work at the most convenient time without having to attend time-specific lectures and tutorials.”
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What kind of opportunities does studying 100% online give you?
Studying 100% online means that I’m able to work full-time while achieving my goal of having a university degree. I am at a stage in my life where I need to advance my career while still maintaining full-time income, and online study makes that possible. Plus, studying at a pace that suits me, as well as having access to course materials at any time means I can do the work at the most convenient time for me, without having to attend time-specific lectures and tutorials. Studying online has taught me important life skills like strong discipline, time management, and commitment.
Did you have any concerns before starting your degree? Was there anything holding you back?
I wasn’t sure what to expect from a degree, let alone how I would cope with, and manage the workload while working full-time. I have heard stories from friends who recently finished degrees or are currently studying at other universities; their experiences have been completely different from mine. I’m also a bit of a perfectionist so I was concerned about how I could achieve high grades with so many other things on my plate. Now that I’m nearing the end of my studies, I should have known not to let my fears get in the way. I only wish I started earlier!

“I feel like my success in my current role can be largely attributed to what I’ve learnt.”
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How will your degree help you achieve your career goals?
One of the key benefits of studying UniSA Online’s Bachelor of Communication is the transferrable skills you gain. The degree covers such a wide range of subjects and disciplines, and I feel like my success in my current role can be largely attributed to what I’ve learnt throughout the degree. My employers look favourably upon the subjects I have studied.
If you could give your past self a few words of advice knowing what you do now, what would you say?
Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing or saying. Do something that you are passionate about and something you enjoy. Be proud of your accomplishments and achievements.
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