What it’s like to study Psych Science & Sociology 100% online
UniSA Online psychological science and sociology student, Ellen Bertani, says her life and work experience has enhanced her university studies.
Why have you decided to study at this point in your life?
I have always known that I wanted to centre my career around alleviating the disadvantage for vulnerable Australians – especially for Aboriginal people. When I found UniSA Online’s Psychological Science and Sociology degree, I believed that it would develop my understanding of how individuals are impacted by disadvantage and how these people fit into society. I decided to pursue tertiary education as I identified that a degree would be essential to my career path.
Was there a particular moment when you decided that you wanted to pursue a university degree?
I had always wanted to earn a uni degree, but when I left high school, I didn’t have a clear direction in life. Instead, I started working and gained valuable life and work experience. In hindsight, this meant I had a better idea of what I was passionate about and what career path I wanted to pursue.
I grew up in a family that valued higher education and it was always the desire of my parents to see me pursue further education. A few years ago, I unexpectedly lost my father and I knew he always wanted to see me study, so I decided to make it a priority. I was very eager and excited to start my studies.
“If I could talk to my past self, I would have told myself to just start.”
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What kind of opportunities does studying 100% online give you?
Simply put, studying 100% online is the only option for me. As someone who does not have the option to stop work and attend on-campus lectures, studying online has allowed me to move through my degree at my own pace while maintaining financial stability.
The way the courses are structured makes it flexible, which means that if I have a really busy week at work, I can plan ahead and look at the content earlier, or make up the time later.
I’ve studied on-campus at another university before, and I’ve found that the teachers are much more responsive and accessible through UniSA Online. If you post a question to a forum, you’ll generally get a response within a few hours, so you never feel disconnected.
Did you have any concerns before starting your degree? Was there anything holding you back?
I had many concerns before I started my degree. Firstly, as I had been out of study for some time, I wasn’t sure where I would sit academically with my peers. I was terrified of entering tertiary education as I thought that the academic standard would be way above me. As soon as I started, I found that everything was achievable with practice and effort.
Additionally, I was concerned that once I committed to a full-time load, I would have no flexibility to change. I thought that you had to commit and stick with it. Instead, I have found that study can be flexible to accommodate life.

“Simply put, studying 100% online is the only option for me.”
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How have you been able to apply what you’ve learned in your degree to your daily role? Can you describe a specific scenario?
My role involves working with Aboriginal students. As Aboriginal Australians are underrepresented in education statistics, my studies have helped me to understand how Australia’s colonial history has contributed to Australian society for Aboriginal people, both in the past and present. The psychological aspect of my degree also helps me to understand the impacts of colonial trauma. Most importantly, my studies provide a sense of power in learning about the systems that have historically oppressed Aboriginal Australians.
If you could give your past self a few words of advice knowing what you do now, what would you say?
If I could talk to my past self, I would have told myself to just start. I wish I had known that the flexibility of online study means you can easily switch from full-time to part-time study if life circumstances get in the way.
I also wish I had known that there is financial support available through scholarships and grants. I was lucky enough to receive the UniSA Online Aboriginal Grant, which has helped me purchase textbooks and equipment to study at home. This grant has not only helped me financially, but it also meant I was able to concentrate on my studies rather than worry about how to pay for my equipment.
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